g9lBot by billzo (also liam)


💸 How does one obtain moolah?

You can play games such as minesweeper, and you will be rewarded with moolah for winning, or you can participate in the one word story. You can check your balance or other people's with the `bal` command.

✨ What is karma and how do I get it?

The concept of karma was stolen from Reddit. Have people react to your messages with the custom upvote and downvote emojis in the G9L to obtain or lose karma points. This is only available in the G9L discord server. You can see the karma leaderboard with the command `lb` and you can see individual user's karma scores with the `karma` command.

🦡 What are badges?

Badges are given out by admins or automatically for achievements or as rewards, such as the developer badge for contributing to the codebase or the storyteller badge for contributing to the one word story. Check someone's badges with the command `profile`.

